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An Introduction to Safety Hazard Recognition Training

According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, employers are responsible for the safety and well being of their employees. A way to minimize and eliminate injuries is to train employees in safety hazard recognition.

Safety hazard recognition training programs teach and educate employees on how to identify the health hazards that are present at the workplace. It also helps them realize the kind of harmful effects that hazards can have on their overall health and understand the different ways that can help them reduce and, eventually, eliminate health hazards by practicing safe work behaviors.

The safety hazard recognition training gives workers an overview of the key safety concepts of the industry they are working in. Every industry has its own key safety hazards. For instance, in an office, the main hazards would be ergonomic hazards, fire safety, slip and fall hazards, housekeeping hazards, electrical hazards and hazard communication.

The hazard reporting procedures have to be included in this training. The employees should know who has to be reported to in case of an emergency. If there is a particular reporting process followed by the organization, it should be properly mapped out so that employees can follow it easily. All employees should be given a copy of the reporting policy.
