In many HAZWOPER training courses, participants are educated about certain clean up procedures that would make their operations less riskier. This article will give you a sneak peak into the safety procedures of cleaning up a minor mercury spill on a non porous surface. No one should underestimate the danger of a mercury spill. All mercury spills, regardless of the quantity, should be treated immediately. Metallic mercury evaporates slowly when exposed to the air. Even a few drops of mercury can make the air in a room reach the maximum in contamination levels. When mercury is spilled, it forms tiny droplets and can accumulate in small spaces and emit vapors. Workers when exposed to mercury spills have been diagnosed with many health problems. A greater problem is that mercury emits hazardous vapors that are invisible and odorless. So, mercury spills should be treated as soon as it is detected. Mercury Spill Clean Up Steps: First evacuate the room and block off all access. Put a warning...
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